Andre Matthews

Foundation Repair of CA

Title: Structural Consultant
Hometown: Oakland
Andre Matthews from Foundation Repair of CA

A native of Oakland, CA, Andre currently calls the vibrant city his home, both in upbringing and present residence.

Armed with a background in sales and holding a degree from UC Berkeley, Andre brings a unique blend of academic excellence and practical experience to his role. His educational journey attests to his commitment to knowledge and growth.

In his role, Andre finds fulfillment in connecting with people, processes, and ideas. Beyond the professional sphere, Andre's interests take him to the serenity of fishing during his free time, embracing the tranquility that nature provides.

Andre would love to visit the Maldives, envisioning days spent on the sun-kissed beaches of this idyllic destination. 

We are confident Andre’s wealth of experience and passion for connection will contribute significantly to our Foundation Repair of CA team. Here's to building success together!