Before & After Photos

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Beams and TieBacks in Washington, WV

A cracking wall that is now stabilized.

Amazing Foundation Repair in Parkersburg, WV

Look at the difference in this foundation wall!

Foundation Repair in Ravenswood, WV

These walls were able to be moved back almost four inches leaving one happy customer!

Main Beam Replacement in Walker, WV

We were very happy to be able to fix the sagging floor by replacing the main beam and sistering the floor joists on this job. There was a lot of damage, but we were able to fix the problem & give the customer peace of mind.

In the words of the homeowner:

"25+ years of 110% humidity and poor choice of building materials has led to a sagging floor in the room addition I added to Chez Fatman from 95 to 96.

Enter Alford Home Solutions outta Charleston, WV. Stand up bunch of guys and gals. Fellas are working their tails off to get us back in shape."


Crawlspace Project in Ashland, KY

Our customer, Greg K. was experiencing crawlspace issues including standing water. 


An Alford Home Solutions Solution Specialist determined the best course of action to solve the customers issue and recommended waterproofing their crawlspace.