Before & After Photos

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Main Beam support in Hamilton, On

 Barry has a house in Hamilton, On where the main beam was sagging. It had house jacks' installed already but they were not strong enough to do the job. Omni Basement Systems installed the SmartJacks by Supportworks.  The SmartJacks are fully galvanized so they won't rust. They are supported by an engineered footing so they are designed to support 30,000lbs each. 

Repaired Crawlspace with SmartJacks In Hamilton, On

Matt in Hamilton had a crawlspace in Hamilton, On that needed a lot of help. As is with all crawlspaces, it needed encapsulation which is a vapor barrier over the ground to protect the house from the earth's moisture. The floors were already sagging because of the poor supports that it was sitting on. Omni Basement Systems went to work,. First cleaning the debris out and leveling the ground in order to install the Cleanspace vapor barrier. The next step was to install supplemental beams under the joist system and support them with our fully galvanized and adjustable Smartjacks system. these SmartJacks are designed to hold up to 30.000lbs. and will never rust. 

Support sagging floors in Hamilton, ON

 Adam has a century plus old home in Hamilton, ON. The floors were sagging from improper support systems that were in place. Omni Basement Systems replaced and added their SmartJack system to properly support the sagging floor. 

SmartJacks are house jacks but with a huge difference. SmartJacks area galvanized jack that is fully adjustable. The footing for the jacks are engineered to create a "bulb of influence" under the floor which will distribute the weight more evenly throughout the soil below. 

Wall Stabilization in Milton, On

Sharon has a house with a block foundation that is showing signs of bowing in Milton, ON. Phil from Omni Basement Systems recommended using CarbonArmor for wall stabilization. CarbonArmor is 7" wide strips of Carbon Fiber that is epoxied to the wall. Then the lower blocks on either side is filled with grout to solidify the wall 

Push Pier operation in Milton, ON

Kari R Moved into their new house 11 years ago and started noticing cracks in the foundation and brick work. since the house was new they contacted the builder and they had a basement wall crack fixed by another company through Tarion warantee. The cracks on the exterior got more noticeable and a crack on the concrete slab floor was present. The customer contacted a contractor before calling Omni Basement systems but they could not help. 

The customer then called Omni Basement Systems and one of our highly trained estimators came to see her. After a thorough inspection of the house and foundation and hiring an Engineer to assisit with design of a sytem, Omni was ready to go ahead with resolving her issues. 

What Omni Basement Systems determined was that one side of the house had settled and had dropped.

The solution was to install Foundation Supportworks inc Push Pier supplementary support systems to support the footing from settling any further. Once this was installed on the customers foundation wall, Omni Basement systems was able to apply force to not only support the foundation but lift it back into original position. 

The customer is very pleased with the result and the workmanship on the job and with communication with our staff members.