Before & After Photos

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Closing cracks in bricks

This customers garage was settling and we used our patented system to lift and stabilize it back into place. 

Stabilizing a Crawlspace in Pampa, TX

This home had crawlspace beams that were cracking and lacked stabilization. 

Years of shimming had only been a "band-aid" fix and this customer was looking for a

permanent solution.


Our crew installed steel beams and steel smartjacks on engineered fill.

The result was a permanently stabilized floor!

Commercial Foundation/Crawlspace Repair in Amarillo, TX

This school's crawlspace needed stabilization. We used our patented commercial-grade Smartjack system to permanently stabilize the school.

Lifting and Stabilizing Garage Walls in Amarillo, TX

This exterior garage wall was sinking and pulling away from the house resulting in a large gap between the trim work and the brick.

Our crew used galvanized steel push piers to lift the wall back into to place and permanently stabilize it.

Closing Gaps in Brick in Amarillo, TX

The front porch of this home had 2 brick columns. Each column had a footer but the surrounding concrete porch did not. 

Both of the columns began to sink and therefore resulted in cracks in the side of the home nearest the porch. 

Our crew used steel push piers to lift the columns back to "level" and the gap in the brick closed and virtually disappeared. 

Now the porch and weight of the front of the house are permanently stabilized.